
BioCampus Cologne Impressum

BioCampus Cologne Grundbesitz GmbH & Co. KG
Nattermannallee 1

50829 Köln, Germany

Telefon: +49 (0) 221 93 33 6-0



Personally liable partner: BioCampus Cologne Management GmbH Authorized managing directors: André van Hall, Andree Haack

Sales tax identification number in accordance with § 27 a Sales Tax Act: DE 228/666/354

Disclaimer: Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. Only their operators are responsible for the content of the linked pages.


RTZ Köln

Rechtsrheinisches Technologie- und Gründerzentrum

Köln GmbH

Gottfried-Hagen-Str. 60-62

51105 Köln, Germany

Telefon: +49 (0) 221 839 11-0



Managing Director: André van Hall
Sales tax identification number in accordance with Section 27 a of the Sales Tax Act: DE 175151 982

Seat and commercial register Cologne

HRB 26366

Disclaimer: Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. Only their operators are responsible for the content of the linked pages.

Responsible person in accordance with § 18 Abs. 2 MStV
Concept, text, design & programming
Steffen Biller

Nattermannallee 1, E 04, 4. OG

50829 Köln, Germany



About the
BioCampus Cologne
& RTZ Köln

BioCampus Cologne is a technology park for life sciences and life sciences, medical technology, IT technologies and more, located near the University of Cologne and Cologne University Hospital. The park is home to a variety of companies and research institutions that deal with life science topics such as biotechnology, medical technology, pharmacy and environmental science.

The companies based in the BioCampus include, for example, biotech and pharmaceutical companies, service providers in the area of analytics and process development, as well as companies involved in the development and production of medical devices.

The BioCampus offers its residents and users a variety of service and infrastructure facilities to support their work and projects. These include laboratories and technical facilities, office space and conference rooms, as well as networking and consulting services. Another important goal of BioCampus is to promote cooperation and exchange between companies and research institutions. To this end, the park regularly organizes events and network meetings to increase opportunities for cooperation and accelerate innovations in the fields of life sciences and life sciences.

Overall, BioCampus Cologne is an important location for life sciences and life sciences in Germany and offers an environment for the development and implementation of innovative ideas and projects.

In their start-up phase, RTZ offers young technology companies offices, laboratory space, fully equipped seminar and meeting rooms, business support and an extensive network. The incubator supports and accompanies people who want to start up in implementing their ideas. 40 founding companies are currently a vital community.

BioCampus Cologne and the Technology and Start-Up Center on the Right Bank of the Rhine in Cologne-Kalk have entered into a deep partnership to promote cooperation and exchange between companies and research institutions in the fields of life sciences and life sciences as well as IT and electrical engineering.
Some advantages of the cooperation between the two technology parks are:

Expanding the network
Through cooperation, companies and research institutions from the BioCampus and the Technology and Start-Up Center can establish contacts and partnerships with companies and institutions from the other sector and thus expand their network.

synergy effects
By combining the competencies and resources of the two parks, synergy effects can be created that accelerate the development and implementation of innovative projects.

Macroeconomic effects
The cooperation between the two parks can help strengthen the economy in the Cologne region and increase its attractiveness as a location for life sciences and life sciences as well as IT and electrical engineering.

Overall, the partnership between BioCampus Cologne and the Technology and Start-Up Center in Cologne-Kalk on the right bank of the Rhine offers increased opportunities for cooperation, development and implementation of innovative projects and supports the regional economy.

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Do you have any questions or a specific concern? Meet us for a coffee and a chat if you're looking for answers or an experienced long-term partner. We would be happy to assist you!

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