
The hotspot for
innovation & technology

The BioCampus in Cologne is currently using only a fraction of its spatial potential. For the areas that are still vacant and to be developed, we are pursuing the goal of continuing to use the existing advantages in order to generate the maximum from this enormous potential.
In the future, too, we want to ensure a growing variety of

stakeholders and technologies and thus further potentiate opportunities for synergies.
Our vision is the continuous development of BioCampus Cologne's location potential for and with highly innovative companies.

The BioCampus todays

The BioCampus combines representative office and laboratory space, storage space and attractive conference rooms within short distances. Modern infrastructure such as fibre-optic cabling and powerful building technology are offered as needed. Numerous parking spaces are available in the parking garage or on outdoor parking spaces.

more figures, data and facts

Write to us!

We'd love to know more about your Know challenges!

Do you have any questions or a specific concern? Meet us for a coffee and a chat if you're looking for answers or an experienced long-term partner. We would be happy to assist you!

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