Business Support

The BioCampus a
long-term partner

In addition to infrastructure and services, BioCampus supports companies in business development and implementation of corporate goals as a competent partner with extensive experience and a broad network of contacts.

From a tailor-made growth concept to financing and funding issues to marketing, the BioCampus provides companies with advice and support.

For every challenge, one suitable solution

marketing — PR

A wide-reaching homepage and a wide distribution network offer a wide range of options for modern communication. The BioCampus represents and markets local companies at its own and international trade fairs and events.

financing assistance

The question of financing is of central and often decisive importance, particularly for innovative technology companies. The BioCampus provides initial guidance for the areas of investor search, debt capital and funding.

startup advice

Innovative startups also find ideal starting conditions on the BioCampus in the form of advice and mediation regarding business plan and business model development. In addition, Biocampus shares its comprehensive pool of knowledge with the entire community, from which not only startups can benefit in every development phase.

networking & multiplication

The BioCampus Cologne network as a competitive advantage is available to all community members for use. By networking with industry, science, society and politics, the BioCampus offers effective ways for rapid contact and results-oriented exchange of information.

Write to us!

We'd love to know more about your Know challenges!

Do you have any questions or a specific concern? Meet us for a coffee and a chat if you're looking for answers or an experienced long-term partner. We would be happy to assist you!

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