Figures data facts

The figures speak for

We could talk at length about the advantages and history of BioCampus Cologne — at this point, we'd rather let the figures speak for themselves.

figures that persuade

One of Europe's largest technology parks
● Former Nattermann & Cie GmbH premises 1962-2002
● Opening as BioPark 2002

Total area: approx. 25 hectares
● Former Nattermann & Cie GmbH premises 1962-2002
● Opening as BioPark 2002

11 buildings with rentable space/laboratories for genetic engineering (S1/S2), medical technology and:
● Total rental area: approx. 30,000 m2
● Of which laboratory S1/S2: approx. 10,000 m2
● Including office: approx. 16,000 m2
● Including storage area: approx. 4,000 m2

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